In using SWI Prolog DCGs I noticed some people note
:- set_prolog_flag(double_quotes, codes).
while others note
:- set_prolog_flag(double_quotes, chars).
What is the difference if any when using with DCG and phrase?
The string type and its double quoted syntax
DCG Grammar rules
As the name double_quotes
implies, this flag affects how double quotes (i.e.: "
) are treated.
This holds whether or not such quotes are used in connection with DCGs. However, it is especially useful in connection with DCGs because you can for example use:
?- phrase(nt(NT), "test").
and thus automatically treat the phrase to be parsed as a list of characters (in this case: [t,e,s,t]
). That's nice for interactive test cases.
The answer by false that you linked to explains it nicely. Note also the following quote from the answer:
This notation [using chars!] gives more readable answers. It can be even more compactly displayed since the double quote notation can be used for printing any list of one-char atoms.
It is clear that chars yields more readable answers than codes
. For example:
?- Xs = "hello". Xs = [h, e, l, l, o].
vs., with codes
?- Xs = "hello". Xs = [104, 101, 108, 108, 111].
Historically, Han shot first chars came first! Only later, this was changed to using codes by default. A quite unfortunate choice, in my view. Other languages like Haskell work like Prolog originally did:
Hugs> :t last last :: [a] -> a Hugs> :t "test" "test" :: String Hugs> last "test" 't'