I am trying to get user input, parse it and then display with String.Format(), formatting thousands with comas.
So, if user provides
1000 I will display 1,000
1000.00 => 1,000.00
1000.0 => 1,000.0
1,000.5 => 1,000.5
Basically I want to keep all decimals(including trailing zeroes) that were provided and just add formatting for thousands. I tried:
String.Format("{0:#,0.######}" , Decimal.Parse(input));
String.Format("{0:#,0.######}" , Double.Parse(input);
is a no go, as double
does not keep track of the number of decimals.
will show that decimal
does keep track of that. Unfortunately, decimal.Parse(input).ToString()
uses this precision and doesn't use a thousands separator, and decimal.Parse(input).ToString("N")
ignores the precision but does use a thousands separator.
Manually extracting the precision from the decimal works though, and that allows you to build the correct format string:
static string InsertThousandsSeparator(string input) {
var dec = decimal.Parse(input);
var bits = decimal.GetBits(dec);
var prec = bits[3] >> 16 & 255;
return dec.ToString("N" + prec);
This is based on the layout of decimal
as described on MSDN:
Bits 16 to 23 must contain an exponent between 0 and 28, which indicates the power of 10 to divide the integer number.
See it working on .NET Fiddle. (courtesy of @Alisson)