I try to deploy my app to firebase but it's fail.
$ firebase deploy --project af2test
⚠ Your CLI authentication needs to be updated to take advantage of new features. ⚠ Please run firebase login --reauth
Error: Unable to authorize access to project af2test
Note: This version of the Firebase CLI is only compatible with projects upgraded to the new Firebase Console. To access firebase.com apps, you will need to use a previous version: npm install -g firebase-tools@^2.1
To access the Firebase Console, visit https://console.firebase.google.com/
Having trouble? Try firebase deploy --help
Look like firebase-tools think that I have old version firebase app. But, I'm just create new project in a new console and it still not working. It used to work yesterday. I use latest firebase-tools from npm
$ firebase -V
If i downgrade to 2.1. It will ask me to upgrade?Any ideas to fix this?
$ firebase deploy --project af2test
Error: CLI is out of date (on 2.2.1 , need at least 3.0.0)
Run npm install -g firebase-tools to upgrade.
MichaelBleigh had the answer
firebase list
which shows something like:
│ Name │ Project ID / Instance │ Permissions │
│ af2test │ af2test-f289d │ Owner │
Use the project id to deploy with
firebase deploy --project af2test-f289d