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android parse server gradle sync fail

I am new to parse server . I just followed here ""

I added below dependency in build.gradle

dependencies {
  compile 'com.parse:parse-android:1.15.7'

I initialized it the MainActivity Parse.initialize(this);

it gives me an error :

Failed to resolve:
Install Repository and sync project, Open File, Show In Project Structure dialog

Did I miss something?

Any help would be appreciated ? (android studio version : 2.3.3)

apply plugin: ''

android {
compileSdkVersion 25
buildToolsVersion "26.0.1"
defaultConfig {
    applicationId "com.example.jack.instagramclone2"
    minSdkVersion 15
    targetSdkVersion 25
    versionCode 1
    versionName "1.0"
    testInstrumentationRunner ""
buildTypes {
    release {
        minifyEnabled false
        proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''

dependencies {
compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
androidTestCompile('', {
    exclude group: '', module: 'support-annotations'
compile ''
compile ''
compile 'com.parse:parse-android:1.15.7'
testCompile 'junit:junit:4.12'


  • Go to SDK Manager, update your Google repository enter image description here