I want to create an animation on a single property (eg: scale) of a single entity (eg: a-circle) which would run one after another, using K-Frame. Is this possible?
For example, this would be a simple case:
position="0 1.25 -5"
scale=".1 .1 1"
animation__scale="property: scale; dir: normal; dur: 500; easing: easeInSine; loop: true; to: 1 1 1"
I want to, say, scale from .1 .1 1 to .5 .5 1 for the first 500ms, then stay at .5 .5 1 for another 500ms, and go back to .1 .1 1 in the next 200ms, and then loop through this entire process over and over infinitely.
Is this even possible?
You can daisy-chain the animations within a component checking which animation ended and starting the next one.
In Your case that would be
animation1 ended -> wait 500ms and start animation2 -> animation2 ended -> wait 200 ms and start animation1.
event, and emit another one.
el.addEventListener('animation__scale1-complete', function() {
el.addEventListener('animation__scale2-complete', function() {
working fiddle here: https://jsfiddle.net/gftruj/2qoz8b75/2/
Please note, that i trigger the first animation also on the loaded
event in case it fires before its loaded.