I'm trying to extract image from *.doc file without using of Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word. I found library like FreeSpire.Doc, but It seems the free version of library isn't able to extract images. Can someone help me with this problem?
[Attached *.doc file with the image I need][1] [1]: https://mega.nz/#!5nITyQzT!aesEA0akirlpKSEEDceNDjifOAFKlNZSmgTwfhFm36M
Thank you
I ended up with this solution. I found a library named GemBox.Document. Unluckily this library is free only for documents containing up to 20 paragraphs. So I had to remove extra paragraphs and then I used this code to get first picture in document.
public void CreateSubnestImageFromNestingReport(string picturePath,string docPath)
var fileDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(picturePath);
var document = DocumentModel.Load(docPath, LoadOptions.DocDefault);
var pict = document.GetChildElements(true).Single(el => el.ElementType == ElementType.Picture) as Picture;
File.WriteAllBytes(picturePath, pict.PictureStream.ToArray());