I'm getting into custom block development with GNU Radio. I've implemented a simple block called trivial_adder_ii
with 1 int
input and 1 int
output which produces values simply multiplied by 2. The point of the exercise is to get a sense of code structure, tools and procedures.
I've used gr_modtool
to create the module and the block, have updated the work
method in
to produce the expected output and implemented a python unit test which passes. So far, so good.
The problem:
I can't get my new block to show up in the GRC block list. This is what I do (as per various tutorials):
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
I've also created this conf. file with the following content, again, as described e.g. here and under this question:
$ cat ~/.gnuradio/config.conf
I can see the XML file seemingly properly deployed:
$ cat /usr/local/share/gnuradio/grc/blocks/testmodule_trivial_adder_ii.xml
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<import>import testmodule</import>
However, my module doesn't show up in GRC, regardless of triggering "reload blocks" or restarting GRC after deploying the module XML. What am I doing wrong?
Environment: Ubuntu 14.04.1, x86_64, GNU Radio Companion
It's probably listed in the (no module specified) category. To have it appear under TestModule, for example, change the XML block definition to:
Update: correct answer provided in my comment below: it's "blocks" (plural), not "block".