I encounter a quite strange issue with comparison.
I want to decode python script arguments, store them and analyse them. In the following command, the -r option shall be used to determine which type of report to create.
python script launching :
%run decodage_parametres_script.py -r junit,html
python script options parsing is used to fill a dictionary, the result is: current_options :
{'-cli-no-summary': False, '-cli-silent': False, '-r': ['junit', 'html']}
Then I want to test the -r options, here is the code:
for i in current_options['-r']:
# for each reporter required with the -r option:
# - check that a file path has been configured (otherwise set default)
# - create the file and initialize fields
print("trace i", i)
print("trace current_options['-r'] = ", current_options['-r'])
print("trace current_options['-r'][0] = ", current_options['-r'][0])
if current_options['-r'][i] == 'junit':
# request for a xml report file
print("request xml export")
xml_file_path = current_option['--reporter-junit-export']
print("xml file path = ", xml_file_path)
# missing file configuration
print("xml option - missing file path information")
timestamp = get_timestamp()
xml_file_path = 'default_report' + '_' + timestamp + '.xml'
print("xml file path = ", xml_file_path)
if xml_file_path is not None:
print("xml file path = ", xml_file_path)
print('ERROR: Empty --reporter-junit-export path')
print("no xml file required")
I want to try the default report generation but I don't even hit the print("request xml export") line, here is the console result :
trace i junit
trace current_options['-r'] = ['junit', 'html']
trace current_options['-r'][0] = junit
As I guess it could be a type issue, I tried the following tests:
In [557]: for i in current_options['-r']:
...: print(i, type(i))
junit <class 'str'>
html <class 'str'>
In [558]: toto = 'junit'
In [559]: type(toto)
Out[559]: str
In [560]: toto
Out[560]: 'junit'
In [561]: toto == current_options['-r'][0]
Out[561]: True
so my line assertion if current_options['-r'][i] == 'junit'
: should end up begin True but it's not the case.
Am I missing something trivial ??? :(
Can someone help me, please ?
You are iterating by array of strings
for i in current_options['-r']:
in your case i
will be:
on first iteration
on next iteration
and your if condition (from interpreter perspective) will looks like:
if current_options['-r']['junit'] == 'junit':
instead of expected:
if current_options['-r'][0] == 'junit':
Solution 1:
You need iterate through of range(len(current_options['-r']))
Solution 2
change your comparator:
if current_options['-r'][i] == 'junit':
if i == 'junit':