I am currently working on a java project that needs to display the meta information of a java class like the annotations that have been declared for methods, parameters, etc.
I have the following classes
package labsheet;
public class Employee {
private String eid = "E001";
String ename = "Anura";
public String address = "Batticaloa";
protected double salary = 60_000.00;
public String getEid() {
return eid;
public void setEid(String eid) {
this.eid = eid;
String getEname() {
return ename;
void setEname(String ename) {
this.ename = ename;
protected String getAddress() {
return address;
protected void setAddress(String address) {
this.address = address;
private double getSalary() {
return salary;
private void setSalary(double salary) {
this.salary = salary;
public String display(String eid, String ename, String address, double salary){
System.out.println("Method invoked successfully");
return eid+" , "+ename+" , "+address+" , "+salary;
In my main class Task3.java I am trying to display the annotations that are available in the Employee.java. And hence I intend to display the @SuppressWarnings("unused")
details for the methods getSalary() and setSalary() using Java Reflection.
I have currently coded the Task3.java as follows.
package labsheet;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.lang.reflect.Parameter;
public class Task3 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
Class<?> clazz = Class.forName("labsheet.Employee");
Method[] methods = clazz.getDeclaredMethods();
for(int m =0; m<methods.length;m++){
System.out.println("Modifier=> "+ Modifier.toString(methods[m].getModifiers()));
Annotation [] annotations = methods[m].getAnnotations();
System.out.println("Annotation count: "+annotations.length);
for(int o =0; o<annotations.length;o++){
System.out.println("Annotation "+(o+1)+": "+annotations[o]);
System.out.print("|| Return Type=> "+ methods[m].getReturnType());
System.out.print("|| Method Name=> "+ methods[m].getName());
Parameter[] parameters = methods[m].getParameters();
if(parameters.length != 0){
System.out.print("|| Method Parameters=> ");
for(int u = 0; u<parameters.length;u++){
if(u== parameters.length-1){
System.out.print(parameters[u].getType().getSimpleName()+" ");
catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
//Methods declaration for executeMethod() and executeMethodWithDefault()
But I am getting an output where it says that there are no annotations for the getSalary() and setSalary() methods as well, whereas I need the @SuppressWarnings("unused")
annotation details to be displayed here.
Modifier=> protected
Annotation count: 0
|| Return Type=> class java.lang.String|| Method Name=> getAddress
Modifier=> public
Annotation count: 0
|| Return Type=> class java.lang.String|| Method Name=> display|| Method Parameters=> String String String double
Modifier=> private
Annotation count: 0
|| Return Type=> void|| Method Name=> setSalary|| Method Parameters=> double
Annotation count: 0
|| Return Type=> class java.lang.String|| Method Name=> getEname
Modifier=> protected
Annotation count: 0
|| Return Type=> void|| Method Name=> setAddress|| Method Parameters=> String
Annotation count: 0
|| Return Type=> void|| Method Name=> setEname|| Method Parameters=> String
Modifier=> private
Annotation count: 0
|| Return Type=> double|| Method Name=> getSalary
Modifier=> public
Annotation count: 0
|| Return Type=> class java.lang.String|| Method Name=> getEid
Modifier=> public
Annotation count: 0
|| Return Type=> void|| Method Name=> setEid|| Method Parameters=> String
Any suggestions in this regard will be much appreciated.
Look at java.lang.SuppressWarnings
public @interface SuppressWarnings {
// code...
retention policy (see java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy
public enum RetentionPolicy {
* Annotations are to be discarded by the compiler.
// code...
This means that it is impossible to get an information about the annotation in a runtime, as compiler doesn't place it into the class files.