I have a closure (handleMentionTap
) inside two other closure (entireDescView.customize
(2nd closure) and description
(1st closure)). Now I would like to call the function pushProfileController(of: String)
which is located in the same class (in order to push another view controller (newController
). The functions need to be called inside the closure since calling them outside it causes memory leaks for a reason I currently don't know (I am using a library called ActiveLabel, didn't write it myself). However, the newController is not pushed (even though I use DispatchQueue.main.async
as suggested in some answers on stackoverflow concerning similar problems). Nevertheless newController
appears to be created and its data set (I am printing the data using var passedData: String? { didSet { print(passedData) } }
). How can I push the controller as though it were outside the closure (e.g. with self.pushProfileController(of: username)
? I would really appreciate your help!
var pushingViewController = false
func pushProfileController(of: String) {
if self.pushingViewController == false {
self.pushingViewController = true
DispatchQueue.main.async {
let newController = NewController()
newController.passedData = of //passedData is a string
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(newController, animated: true)
self.pushingViewController = false
let description: ActiveLabel = {
let entireDescView = ActiveLabel()
//set properties of controls container view
//recognize (@hotel_x) and be able to push controller of 'hotel_x'
entireDescView.customize({ (entireDescView) in
entireDescView.enabledTypes = [.mention]
entireDescView.mentionColor = UIColor(red: 25/255, green: 153/255, blue: 1, alpha: 1)
entireDescView.handleMentionTap { username in
self.pushProfileController(of: username) //also tried ThisClass().pushProfileController(of: username) which didn't push the controller either
return entireDescView
Have you checked navigationController?
Try adding the following before attempting to push the viewController:
func pushProfileController(of: String) {
if self.pushingViewController == false {
self.pushingViewController = true
DispatchQueue.main.async {
guard let navController = self.navigationController else { return print("navigationController was nil") }
let newController = NewController()
newController.passedData = of //passedData is a string
navController.pushViewController(newController, animated: true)
self.pushingViewController = false