I've found a lot of variations of this question, but the conversation always seems to revolve around the individual TabItems
, and not the TabPanel
as a thing unto itself.
My main window has a TabControl
on it. The tabs are views. One of those views is special...a navigation display, whereas all of the others are the "sections" that the nav view can open.
What I am trying to accomplish is that when the user is viewing the nav view, the tabs all go away. I.e. hide the whole TabPanel
instead of having to hide each TabItem
one-by-one. While viewing any other page, the tabs show, for easy movement between views.
I created this question in response to a suggestion made on my other question.
The problem I have is that the TabPanel
does not seem to have a Template
that I can override in order to do something like a DataTrigger
bound to the Visibility
property. The closest I have gotten is a plain old Style.Setter
Any suggestions on how to get what I am after?
You basically provided the answer yourself - the right combination is to use a Style
together with a DataTrigger
. The trick is to define a Style
with TargetType
set to {x:Type TabPanel}
, and put it as a resource of the TabControl
- that way the style will be applied to the TabPanel
(because it's an implicit style). Here's an example:
<TabControl (...)>
<Style TargetType="{x:Type TabPanel}">
<DataTrigger Binding="{Binding SelectedIndex, RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType=TabControl}}"
<Setter Property="Visibility" Value="Collapsed" />
In this example the panel will be collapsed while the first item is selected.