Can not make a LabelRow
hide together with a TextAreaRow
hidden state. The label is defined before adding both to a section. It gets added on top of the text.
After a few different ways to define the Condition
, when debugging, it seems the function is not getting called. Only in the first 2 it gets called once, but not when the TextAreaRow
changes to hide or show
let switchRowTag = "switchRowTag"
form +++ section
<<< SwitchRow(switchRowTag) { row in
row.title = "Select me"}
// Test hiding functions ========================
let tag = "textArea"
let title = "Test Hiding"
let labelTag = "\(tag)_label"
let textArea = TextAreaRow(tag) {
$0.title = title
$0.tag = tag
$0.placeholder = title
$0.textAreaHeight = .dynamic(initialTextViewHeight: 110)
$0.hidden = Condition.predicate(NSPredicate(format: "$\(switchRowTag) == false"))
let labelRow = LabelRow(labelTag) {
$0.title = title
$0.tag = labelTag
/* try setting the function after adding to the section
$0.hidden = Condition.function([tag], { form in
if let textRow = form.rowBy(tag: tag) as? TextAreaRow {
return textRow.isHidden
} else {
return false
section <<< labelRow <<< textArea
// Is never evaluated
labelRow.hidden = Condition.function([tag], { form in
if let textRow = form.rowBy(tag: tag) as? TextAreaRow {
return textRow.isHidden
} else {
return false
if let labelRow = form.rowBy(tag: labelTag) as? LabelRow {
labelRow.hidden = Condition.function([tag], { form in
if let textRow = form.rowBy(tag: tag) as? TextAreaRow {
return textRow.isHidden
} else {
return false
It is currently not supported.
Eureka supports only reevaluating the hidden conditions, when the row related by the tag depended upon has a change of value only. Not a change of visibility (ref).