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How to get all ancestors, selected category, and direct children in this sql query

I want to get all ancestors, selected category, and direct children in it, and count all items in each category and all its children.

this is what I did:

DECLARE @CategoryId INT = 8
SELECT CategoryId, Name, ParentId, CategoryId RootId, 0 Depth, Sort = CAST(Name AS VARCHAR(MAX))
    FROM Category
WHERE CategoryId = @CategoryId OR ParentId = @CategoryId
SELECT C.CategoryId, C.Name, C.ParentId, RootId, Depth = Re.Depth + 1, Sort = Re.Sort + CAST(C.Name AS VARCHAR(200))
    FROM Re JOIN Category C ON Re.CategoryId = C.ParentId
SELECT Y.CategoryId, Y.Name, Y.ParentId, X.CatCount
    FROM (SELECT RootId, COUNT(I.CategoryId) catCount
            FROM Re LEFT OUTER JOIN Item I ON Re.CategoryId = I.CategoryId
          GROUP BY RootId) X
    JOIN (SELECT Re.CategoryId, Re.ParentId, Name, MAX(Depth) MaxDepth
            FROM Re
          GROUP BY Re.CategoryId, Re.ParentId, Name) Y ON Y.CategoryId = X.RootId
ORDER BY CategoryId

it returns what I want, but a little problem is in it. for example when @CategoryId = 8, this query should display:

CategoryId  Name    ParentId    CatCount
    0        A        NULL         16
    1        B         0           10
    7        H         1           4
    8        I         7           2
    13       N         8           1

but it returns:

CategoryId  Name    ParentId    CatCount
    8        I         7           2
    13       N         8           1

ancestors are not shown when a subcategory is selected.

  1. Where is problem?
  2. How to optimize this query?

I'll be Thankful of some one help me


  • Your query does not work as you describe because of the problem with RootId (see comments below) Your CTE needs to be changed to this:

    DECLARE @CategoryId INT = 8
    ;WITH Re AS
        -- Anchor (this is the starting category)
        SELECT CategoryId, Name, ParentId, CategoryId AS RootId,
            0 AS Depth, Sort = CAST(Name AS VARCHAR(MAX)), CONVERT( VARCHAR( 20 ), 'Root' ) AS Relation
        FROM Category
        WHERE CategoryId = @CategoryId
        UNION ALL
        -- Find children
        SELECT C.CategoryId, C.Name, C.ParentId, C.CategoryId AS RootId, -- Fixed RootId problem
            Depth = Re.Depth + 1, Sort = Re.Sort + CAST(C.Name AS VARCHAR(200)), CONVERT( VARCHAR( 20 ), 'Child' ) AS Relation
        FROM Re
            INNER JOIN Category C ON Re.CategoryId = C.ParentId
        WHERE Re.Relation IN( 'Root', 'Child' )
            -- I do not think this is necessary as we have established the anchor, see above
            AND C.ParentId = @CategoryId
        UNION ALL
        -- Find Ancestors (Parents)
        SELECT C.CategoryId, C.Name, C.ParentId, C.CategoryId AS RootId, -- Fixed RootId problem
            Depth = Re.Depth - 1, Sort = Re.Sort + CAST(C.Name AS VARCHAR(200)), CONVERT( VARCHAR( 20 ), 'Parent' ) AS Relation
        FROM Re
            INNER JOIN Category C ON C.CategoryId = Re.ParentId
        WHERE Re.Relation IN( 'Root', 'Parent' )

    I have used the following data:

    CREATE TABLE Category( CategoryId INT, Name VARCHAR( 10 ), ParentID INT )
    SELECT * FROM Category
    INSERT INTO Category
    SELECT 1 , 'B', 0 UNION ALL
    SELECT 7 , 'H' , 1 UNION ALL
    SELECT 8 , 'I' , 7 UNION ALL
    SELECT 13 , 'N' , 8
    -- DROP TABLE Category