I want to calculate an equation in R. I don't want to use the function sum
because it's returning 1 value. I want the full vector of values.
x = 1:10
y = c(21:29,NA)
[1] 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 NA
x = 1:10
y = c(21:30)
[1] 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
I don't want:
sum(x,y, na.rm = TRUE)
[1] 280
Which does not return a vector.
This is a toy example but I have a more complex equation using multiple vector of length 84647 elements.
Here is another example of what I mean:
x = 1:10
y = c(21:29,NA)
z = 11:20
a = c(NA,NA,NA,30:36)
5 +2*(x+y-50)/(x+y+z+a)
[1] NA NA NA 4.388889 4.473684 4.550000 4.619048 4.681818 4.739130 NA
1) %+% Define a custom + operator:
`%+%` <- function(x, y) mapply(sum, x, y, MoreArgs = list(na.rm = TRUE))
5 + 2 * (x %+% y - 50) / (x %+% y %+% z %+% a)
[1] 3.303030 3.555556 3.769231 4.388889 4.473684 4.550000 4.619048 4.681818
[9] 4.739130 3.787879
Here are some simple examples:
1 %+% 2
## [1] 3
NA %+% 2
## [1] 2
2 %+% NA
## [1] 2
NA %+% NA
## [1] 0
2) na2zero Another possibility is to define a function which maps NA to 0 like this:
na2zero <- function(x) ifelse(is.na(x), 0, x)
X <- na2zero(x)
Y <- na2zero(y)
Z <- na2zero(z)
A <- na2zero(a)
5 + 2 * (X + Y - 50) / (X + Y + Z + A)
[1] 3.303030 3.555556 3.769231 4.388889 4.473684 4.550000 4.619048 4.681818
[9] 4.739130 3.787879
3) combine above A variation combining (1) with the idea in (2) is:
X <- x %+% 0
Y <- y %+% 0
Z <- z %+% 0
A <- a %+% 0
5 + 2 * (X + Y - 50) / (X + Y + Z + A)
4) numeric0 class We can define a custom class "numeric0"
with its own + operator:
as.numeric0 <- function(x) structure(x, class = "numeric0")
`+.numeric0` <- `%+%`
X <- as.numeric0(x)
Y <- as.numeric0(y)
Z <- as.numeric0(z)
A <- as.numeric0(a)
5 + 2 * (X + Y - 50) / (X + Y + Z + A)
Note: The inputs used were those in the question, namely:
x = 1:10
y = c(21:29,NA)
z = 11:20
a = c(NA,NA,NA,30:36)