I have this:
val receive = beforeLoadReceive // my default receive
override def preStart(): Unit = {
println("I also get to here..."
def connectedReceive: Receive = {
case GetData =>
println("for some reason i'm not getting to here after unstashAll why?")
sender() ! "this is your data"
def beforeLoadReceive: Receive = {
case GetData =>
println(s"I get to here so it's stashed")
so i'm using the stash()
I see I get a message to there so its stashed, also I see afterwards that unstashAll()
is called but I don't get the message in: connectedReceive
any reason for that?
I'd recommend moving DB initialization and unstash/become code to a separate message (say InitDB) handler as preStart() is called before any message is processed. The code below works as expected:
object GetData
object InitDB
class ReporterActor extends Actor {
val dbActor = context.system.actorOf(Props(new DbActor()))
override def preStart(): Unit = {
dbActor ! GetData
def receive = {
case m: String => {
println("Received: " + m)
class DbActor extends Actor with Stash {
val receive = beforeLoadReceive // my default receive
override def preStart(): Unit = {
self ! InitDB
def connectedReceive: Receive = {
case GetData =>
println("for some reason i'm not getting to here after unstashAll why?")
sender() ! "this is your data"
def beforeLoadReceive: Receive = {
case InitDB =>
// doSomeLoadFromDB()
println("I also get to here...")
case GetData =>
println(s"I get to here so it's stashed")
val as = ActorSystem()
val actor = as.actorOf(Props(new ReporterActor()))
Await.result(as.whenTerminated, 10.seconds)
I get to here so it's stashed
I also get to here...
for some reason i'm not getting to here after unstashAll why?
Received: this is your data