I need to determine uicollectionview's height.
let layout = contactCollectionView.collectionViewLayout
let heightSize = String(Int(layout.collectionViewContentSize.height))
The above solution works on some situations in my project. In this specific situation I need to count number of rows and then multiple it with a number to find height.
func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, numberOfItemsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
// height = (count rows) * 30 . every cell height is 30
// every cell has different width.
return (presenter?.selectedContact.count)!
How can I find number of rows?
This is my collectionView. Every cell has different width(because it is string). So It has different rows. The width of this collectionView is width of view.frame
You can compare if the collectionView
's width
is greater than total previous width(s) then you increment rowCounts by one. I am assuming you are implementing UICollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout
methods and per each cell you know the dynamic width
at the moment. if you won't know the width at that moment, you can also calculate the width
of string
that would take with considering UIfont
along with other stuff in each cell.
Here is a reference how to calculate the width
of a string
Something like below
//stored properties
var totalWidthPerRow = CGFloat(0)
var rowCounts = 0
let spaceBetweenCell = CGFloat(10) // whatever the space between each cell is
func collectionView(_collectionView:UICollectionView, layoutcollectionViewLayout: UICollectionViewLayout, sizeForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGSize {
let collectionViewWidth = view.frame.width
let dynamicCellWidth = //whatever you calculate the width
totalWidthPerRow += dynamicCellWidth + spaceBetweenCell
if (totalWidthPerRow > collectionViewWidth) {
rowCounts += 1
totalWidthPerRow = dynamicCellWidth + spaceBetweenCell
return CGSizeMake(dynamicCellWidth , CGFloat(30))