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What would be the most optimised way to access values in a nested array whilst respecting pep8?

I have been using nested arrays parsed from a json. This ends up giving a gigantic line each time I try to access values in the data. let's say I have a nested array in the var data, when I try to reach the deeper values, I still have to respect the 80 characters limit. All I want to do is read or modify the value.["name1"]["name2"][varWithNumber][varWithNumber2][varWithNumber3]

Now, I thought about two possible solutions I could use:

1- split it using temporary vars and then reasign it to the data once I am done ex:["name1"]["name2"][varWithNumber]

I guess this solution would use quite a bit of ressources from all the memory copied around.

2- use the exec function implemented in python and split the string on multiple lines:

exec (''+

I have no idea how optimised is the exec function. What would be the most pythonic/optimised way to do this? Is there any other/better way to reach the goal whilst respecting the pep8?


  • (Bit long for a comment) You don't need exec to do that... you can use the line continuation operator:["name1"]\


    In [635]: x = [[[[1, 2, 3]]]]
    In [636]: x[0]\
         ...:  [0]\
         ...:  [0]\
         ...:  [0]
    Out[636]: 1

    This seems like the easiest and cleanest way to do it.

    Don't use exec unless you have to. Actually, don't use it, ever.

    In some cases, keeping a reference to a sub dict works if you are to frequently visit that part of your data structure again and again. It is a matter of deciding what is the best solution to apply given the situation and circumstances.