In spotfire I have a column property fromDate and toDate which is a Date. I am trying to limit the result of data using expression below. But I keep on encountering this error
Invalid type for function call 'DocumentProperty' on line1, character 19
Limit Expression
[poddate] >= Date(DocumentProperty(${DevInfoYTD}.{Location}.{fromDate})) and
[poddate] <= Date(DocumentProperty(${DevInfoYTD}.{Location}.{toDate}))
If I used the below expression i don't get an error but there is no data shown on the table.
[poddate] >= Date(${DevInfoYTD}.{Location}.{fromDate})
and [poddate] <= Date(${DevInfoYTD}.{Location}.{toDate})
Any ideas on how to fix it?
You don't need a three part identifier. I'm unsure of what that even is supposed to be, but you only need to list the property control.
[poddate] >= Date("${YourPropertyControlName}")
and [poddate] <= Date("${YourOtherPropertyControlName}")