I am currently working in PHP in my localhost. I have php version 5.5.9-1, apache2 version 2.4.7, and Mysql Ver 14.14 in my Ubuntu 14.04. But how to check whether I am using LAMP or XAMPP?
I tried typing "lamp" and "xampp" in terminal. But it shows "command not found". Should I come to the conclusion that these things(apache, mysql and php) were installed seperately?
You have to understand this :
For LAMP setup, you have to install PHP, Apache and Mysql packages separately. In LAMP you don't get anything to manage your server in GUI way.
For Ex: To start apache server you have to type command in terminal.
To start apache : sudo service apache2 start
For installing LAMP refer :
It is a complete package which comes bundled with PHP,Apache, Mysql etc in a single installation. It gives you a control panel from which you can manage your server and configuration files.It is something of this sort.
For XAMPP : https://www.apachefriends.org/download.html
If you don't find xampp control panel in your system, this means you have a LAMP setup. i.e : first option.