Is there a text search accessible through the GraphDB web interface, like there is for Blazegraph, Stardog, and Virtuoso faceted search?
For example:
I have gone through the Lucene connector and full-text exercises. I see how I can write a SPARQL search that includes text searching:
PREFIX luc: <>
?id luc:myTestIndex "ast*"
But is there a point-and-click search interface?
If I need to specify the predicates that trigger an indexing process, I would want to include :literalValue
form my application ontology.
:Mark a :StackOverflowQuestioner .
:Mark :denotedBy :MarksName .
:MarksName rdfs:label "Mark's Name" .
:MarksName :literalValue "Mark Miller" .
To configure the autocomplete indexes start GraphDB Workbench and open:
The interface allows you to index the IRI text and the values of specific predicates like rdfs:label
or skos:label
The index will be updated on the fly with the new data updates. It can be accessed from: