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Make UpdateView accept an encrypted pk in and return a model object for editing after decrypting the pk

I have a simple working class based view inheriting UpdateView.

class UpdateModel(UpdateView):
    model = ModelName
    fields = ['field_1' , 'field_2' , ]
    template_name_suffix = '_update_form'
    success_url = reverse_lazy('home')

and the url that maps back to this view

url(r'^edit/(?P<pk>[\w-]+)$' , UpdateModel.as_view() , name="update_model"),

Now the issue I'm facing is that I usually encrypt the PK value before sending it outside(since they are sensitive). When I receive them back, I decrypt them to get the Model Object.

Brief working of encryption process.

def pk_encoder(pk):
    int_pk = int(pk)
    hashids = Hashids("MySalt")
    encoded_pk = hashids.encode(pk_id)
    return encoded_pk

ans similarly I use hashids.decode('string') to obtain my Model Object.

But in UpdateView there is no provision for this(that I know of). In it simply accepts the pk id to return the relevant form for updating a model. I understand that I have to override UpdateView or any of it's function in some way but can't figure out how. May I know how to edit this functionality of UpdateView

Thanks in advance.


  • It was a simple tweak. After reading the source code, here , I found that I simply had to extend the functionality of

    def get_object(self)

    which is declared in SingleObjectMixin(ContextMixin) class.

    The code looks something like,

    class UpdateModels(UpdateView):
        #declare model, fields, template_name etc.
        def get_object(self):
            #decode and get the object in the variable desired_model_object 
            return desired_model_object

    Hope this helps someone.