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Get windows session's user name in c++

I am trying to understand better how Windows sessions (TS sessions and log on sessions) works (currently in XP), so maybe my whole question or what I am trying to do is impossible.

I am running a Windows service (in XP), which runs in session 0, and I am trying to get the username attached to this session using WTSQueryUserToken(). Now, in session 0 there are several usernames: SYSTEM, theuser (logged on user),NETWORK SERVICE, LOCAL SERVICE.

When I use WTSQueryUserToken() I get "theuser" (which is the Active session), but I am trying to get the username of my service (which is SYSTEM). Is that possible or did I simply get it all wrong?


  • I use the following code to get user token for my process

    HANDLE GetProcessOwnerToken(DWORD pid)
        if (!pid) return NULL;
        HANDLE hProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, pid);
        if (!hProcess) return NULL;
        HANDLE hToken = NULL;
        if(OpenProcessToken(hProcess, MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, &hToken))
            HANDLE result = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
            if(DuplicateTokenEx(hToken, TOKEN_ASSIGN_PRIMARY | TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, SecurityImpersonation, TokenPrimary, &result))
                if(result != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
                    return result;
        return NULL;

    I have no idea if it works for services as well, I think it should.