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Microsoft Poor Documentation on Azure: Table​Operation.​Merge Method

I am a newbie in Azure so I read the Microsoft Table​Operation.​Merge Method.

Creates a new table operation that merges the contents of the given entity with the existing entity in a table.

That is all... Now, what should I understand from the "merge" concept? How exactly this Merge happens.

Say I have

Body {PK: b, RK: 1, LeftHand: null, RightHand: 1000, LeftLeg: ll} >
Body {PK: b, RK: 1, LeftHand: 9999, RightHand: null, Head: h}
  • What happens with empty/null values?
  • What happens if the item is not found?
  • What kind of exceptions should I expect?
  • What is the difference between InsertOrMerge and Merge?

How can I guess ?


  • Merge operation actually creates a superset. To put it simply:

    • If old entity doesn't have an attribute and the new one does: The resulting entity will have that new attribute.
    • If old entity has an attribute and the new one does not: That attribute's value will not be changed. It will be the same as that of the old value.
    • If old entity has an attribute and the new one also has that attribute: The resulting entity will replace the attribute value.

    So in your example:

    Old Entity:

    {PK: b, RK: 1, LeftHand: null, RightHand: 1000, LeftLeg: ll}

    New Entity:

    {PK: b, RK: 1, LeftHand: 9999, RightHand: null, Head: h}

    Entity After Merge Operation:

    {PK: b, RK: 1, LeftHand: 9999, RightHand: 1000, LeftLeg: 11, Head: h}