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Formatting Joda LocalDate in JqGrid

I'm trying to convert jodaDateFormat in my jqGrid.

The declaration in my Entity class is:

private LocalDate dateStart;

To see this date in the view, I try to insert in the tagx file this javascript conversion:

<script type="text/javascript">
jodaLDFormatter = function (cellValue, options) {
    if(cellValue) {
        return $.datepicker.formatDate(
            new Date(cellValue['year'], 
    } else {
        return '';

In the JSP page I declare the column in this way:

<table:jqcolumn id="l_list_dateStart" property="dateStart" formatter="jodaLDFormatter"/>

but I obtain this: (from source of page)

<td role="gridcell" style="" title="NaN/NaN/NaNNaN" aria-describedby="l_list_dateStart">NaN/NaN/NaNNaN</td>

I don't want to convert every date in string for see it in jqGrid!

What's the right way?!


  • I think that you don't pass the Joda object to the view. Probably you send from your controller a vector like [day, month, year].

    If my guess is correct, you can add this inside your colmodel:

    formatter: 'date', srcformat:'dd/mm/yy', date:'true'