Search code examples

Expected string or identifier, but <delimiter "/" at 8> found

I have a Behat step like this, which asserts there is a link pointing to something with /videos/ in the URL:

And I must see at least 1 "*[href~=/videos/]"

The implementation is as follows:

 * Asserts that at least X amount of Y exist
 * @Then /^I must see at least (?P<amount>\d+) "([^"]*)"$/
public function iMustSeeAtLeast($amount, $selector)
    $session = $this->getSession();
    $container = $this->getContainer() ?: $session->getPage();

    $elements = $container->findAll('css', $selector);
    $actual = count($elements);
        'Expected at least ' . $amount . ' of ' . $selector . ', found only ' . $actual . ' on ' . $session->getCurrentUrl() . '.'

The exception is:

Exception 'Symfony\Component\CssSelector\Exception\SyntaxErrorException'
with message 'Expected string or identifier, but <delimiter "/" at 8> found.'
in vendor/symfony/css-selector/Exception/SyntaxErrorException.php:34

Why I can't put a slash in the step?


  • You don't need the * in the front, findAll will find all the elements for the given selector.
    Format your selector(s) like this:


    As described in the Exception you are getting, it does't like the /, you need to add it in single/double quotes.

    You can also try something like:
