I'm using Jfrog artifactory OSS version 5. I can see my snapshot repository is too huge and I want to remove unwanted artifacts from snapshot repository.
I want to remove all artifacts which were not downloaded during last 6 months. I tried below method, but its not working seems because of I'm using OSS version.
curl -X POST -v -u user:'password' "http://<my artifactory url>/artifactory/api/execute/cleanup?params=months=6|repos=snapshots|dryRun|paceTimeMS=2000"
Is there any other way that I can perform my task and if somebody can help me to do this, it would be really appreciated.
Thank You
You can use JFrog's CLI to delete items based on AQL queries.
For example, you can use an AQL query like:
items.find({"created" : {"$before" : "6mo"}})
To find all items that were created over 6 month ago.
You can then use your AQL as part of a spec file for deleting items and artifacts, using the JFrog CLI.
To read more about the AQL Time Operators
To read more about CLI and File Specs