I'm trying to export a sparkR model as PMML.
The first approach was using the pmml library:
df <- createDataFrame(iris)
model <- spark.kmeans(df, Sepal_Length ~ Sepal_Width, k = 4, initMode = "random")
model_pmml <- pmml(model)
The error:
Error in UseMethod("pmml"): no applicable method for 'pmml' applied to an object of class "KMeansModel"
1. pmml(model)
I also investigated if the toPMML
method available on scala models could be used from SparkR. I've found a question that suggests it may be possible with Sparklyr, but not with SparkR.
Any ideas?
I have come to the conclusion that exporting a spark R model is not supported. I have added a feature request for this: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-21430. Please vote on the jira ticket if you are also looking for this functionality.