I have a number of non-JPEG image files that I want to process using Google Cloud Vision, but the API only accepts certain formats (see question Cloud Vision API - PDF OCR and answer https://cloud.google.com/vision/docs/supported-files).
I can use PIL or some such to convert a TIFF to JPEG to be uploaded, but I'd like to avoid a temp file if possible.
So, in python, how do I convert a TIFF in-memory for upload to GCV? numpy array, base64, string..?
As suggested, you should use StringIO or BytesIO for Python 3.
See this question: Python resize image and send to google vision function
Example making a request string:
output = BytesIO()
image_object.save(output, 'JPEG', quality=90)
contents = output.getvalue()
ctxt = b64encode(contents).decode()
request_string = [{
'image': {'content': ctxt},
'features': [{
'maxResults': 1