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SPA done with Boilerplate free template, login only works IE11 if developer tool are open

I experiencing an issue with IE11.

I created a SPA project with Boilerplate selecting .NET Core 1.1 (

The application works in Chrome, Firefox and Edge.

The issue is with IE11 on windows 7. It does not want to log in, but if I open the developer tools it logs in with out any issue. Close developer tools and the login stops working.

Any help or suggestions shall be highly appreciated.


  • This is a known problem because of IE's caching. It caches ajax requests (sometimes even when dev tools are open). To prevent it, we disabled client side caching with HTTP headers.

    • Upgrade to Abp.* packages to v2.2.1.
    • Upgrade abp-web-resources and abp-ng2-module npm packages.

    Then the issue should disappear.