I would like to redirect the user to the Google Maps apps on the phone through intents I assume to get the direction/route. However, I would like the user to enter in the address for both starting and destination. Using this information, I hope to open the Maps with the starting and ending point inputted. (The starting and ending address will be in string format, as opposed to Lat/long).
I did research but I am still confused on how to proceed.
Appreciate any help regarding this inquiry.
Thanks in advance.
Check the official documentation here. You just need to pass the geo points via an Intent. For example, to display a map of San Francisco, you can use the following code:
Uri gmmIntentUri = Uri.parse("geo:37.7749,-122.4194");
Intent mapIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, gmmIntentUri);
if (mapIntent.resolveActivity(getPackageManager()) != null) {