we want to generate the msi package in an automatically way, and we try to use installshield.
now we try to generate ism file with xml based first and then use iscmdbld.exe
to generate the msi package....there is limited documentation about how to generate the ism file... and we have no idea about ism file currently.
we want to pass the arguments such as files path, shortcut information, registry key information to the powershell command and then generate the ism file... is it possible ?
It's possible but a lot of effort and likely misguided. Anyone who truely needs this (I did once and only once in 20 years.) would have gone very far down the traditional routes until they hit a wall and at that point they knew enough about the technology to know how to do all this.
InstallShield does have the Automation Interface but last time I looked there's A LOT it can't do. So you'll be saving the ISM in binary format and using MSI apis to manipulate alot of this information.
Look me up if you want to talk about this for an hour on the house.