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How to delete only (anyword).com in Regex?

I'd like to match the following

My best email
email com

to become

My best email
email com

Specifically, I'm using Regex for R, so I know there are different rules for escaping certain characters. I'm very new to Regex, but so far I have

\ .*(com) 

which makes the same input


But this code does not work for instances where there are no spaces like the third example, and removes everything past the first space of a line if the line has a ".com"


  • Use the following solution:

    x <- c("My best email","email com", "", " text here")
    trimws(gsub("\\S+\\.com\\b", "", x))
    ## => [1] "My best email" "email com"     ""              "text here"

    See the R demo.

    The \\S+\\.com\\b pattern matches 1+ non-whitespace chars followed by a literal .com followed by the word boundary.

    The trimws function will trim all the resulting strings (as, e.g. with " text here", when a space will remain after removal).

    Note that TRE regex engine does not support shorthand character classes inside bracket expressions.