I am trying to get output of a shell command in a txt file. so far till now i have succeeded getting output of my script this way
import subprocess
import logging
console = logging.StreamHandler()
formatter = logging.Formatter('')
command="sh amapt.sh"
This do displays the output of my script (amapt.sh) as well as stores the output in a txt file too. But i have to get the output of "sh amapt.sh -s try.apk" and store it in txt file as above. i tried doing it by this way
command="sh amapt.sh -s try.apk"
But i am getting this error on running this code
tput: terminal attributes: No such device or address
tput: terminal attributes: No such device or address
Why not use subprocess.call? You can use the stdout
argument to direct to a filestream.
from subprocess import call
command = ['echo','Hello!']
call(command, stdout=open('output.txt','w'))