Hello I am using Nuance to make some experiments about speech to text for this I am using node to create the request as follows:
My credentials:
var Nuance = require("nuance");
var nuance = new Nuance("mycredentials", "mypass");
Then I send the request as follows:
"identifier": "randomIdentifierStringHere", //The user identifier (please refer to Nuance's documentation for more info).
"language": "es_MX", //The language code (please refer to Nuance's documentation for more info).
"path": "12min.amr", //The path to the file you would like to send to Nuance.
"additionalHeaders": {}, //If you'd like to supply more headers or replace the default headers, supply them here.
"success": function(resp){ //The success callback function.
"error": function(resp){ //The error callback function - returns the response from Nuance that you can debug.
console.log("An error was occurred.");
The problem for this way is that I need to use several calls changing this part:
"path": "12min.amr", //The path to the file you would like to send to Nuance.
Since I execute the request in terminal as follows:
node call12.js
And then I get the result on the terminal.
I tried:
"identifier": "randomIdentifierStringHere", //The user identifier (please refer to Nuance's documentation for more info).
"language": "es_MX", //The language code (please refer to Nuance's documentation for more info).
"path": "4min.amr", //The path to the file you would like to send to Nuance.
"additionalHeaders": {}, //If you'd like to supply more headers or replace the default headers, supply them here.
"success": function(resp){ //The success callback function.
"error": function(resp){ //The error callback function - returns the response from Nuance that you can debug.
console.log("An error was occurred.");
"identifier": "randomIdentifierStringHere", //The user identifier (please refer to Nuance's documentation for more info).
"language": "es_MX", //The language code (please refer to Nuance's documentation for more info).
"path": "2min.amr ", //The path to the file you would like to send to Nuance.
"additionalHeaders": {}, //If you'd like to supply more headers or replace the default headers, supply them here.
"success": function(resp){ //The success callback function.
"error": function(resp){ //The error callback function - returns the response from Nuance that you can debug.
console.log("An error was occurred.");
to process only 2 conversations I am repeating code since I don't believe that this is the optimal way. In order to process all of my files:
2min.amr 4min.amr 8min.amr
I would like to know how to create a for in order to process more files in one script, so I really would like to appreciate support to overcome this task.
const fs = require('fs');
var fileNames = ['2min.amr', '4min.amr', '8min.amr'];
fileNames.forEach((item) => {
"identifier": "randomIdentifierStringHere", //The user identifier (please refer to Nuance's documentation for more info).
"language": "es_MX", //The language code (please refer to Nuance's documentation for more info).
"path": item, //The path to the file you would like to send to Nuance.
"additionalHeaders": {}, //If you'd like to supply more headers or replace the default headers, supply them here.
"success": function(resp){ //The success callback function.
fs.writeFile("my_text.txt", resp, err => {
if (err) throw err;
console.log('The file has been saved!');
"error": function(resp){ //The error callback function - returns the response from Nuance that you can debug.
console.log("An error was occurred.");