I have a plane defined as an xyz vector and a point that lies on the plane.
I would like to generate xyz coordinates for 4 points (N_points
) on the plane surrounding the defined point (centroid
) at a defined distance/radius (r
My current solution only works in 2D. I would like to expand this to work in 3D but my knowledge of geometry is failing me. Any ideas would be much appreciated.
def circlePoints(r, N_points, plane=(1,1,1), centroid=(0,0,0), rotation=0):
(plane_x, plane_y, plane_z) = plane
(centroid_x, centroid_y, centroid_z) = centroid
step = (np.pi*2) / N_points
for i in xrange(N_points):
x = round(centroid_x + ((np.sin(rot)*r) / plane_x), 2)
y = round(centroid_y + ((np.cos(rot)*r) / plane_y), 2)
z=0 #?
return points
print circlePoints(1, 4, [1,2,0], [2,3,1])
print circlePoints(1, 4)
We need to find two vectors perpendicular to plane
(the normal). We can do so by the following procedure:
k = (1, 0, 0)
math.abs(np.dot(k, plane))
k = (0, 1, 0)
a = np.cross(k, plane))
and b = np.cross(plane, a)
and b
import numpy as np
import math
def normalize(a):
b = 1.0 / math.sqrt(np.sum(a ** 2))
return a * b
def circlePoints(r, N_points, plane=(1,1,1), centroid=(0,0,0)):
p = normalize(np.array(plane))
k = (1, 0, 0)
if math.fabs(np.dot(k, p)) > 0.9:
k = (0, 1, 0)
a = normalize(np.cross(k, p))
b = normalize(np.cross(p, a))
step = (np.pi * 2) / N_points
ang = [step * i for i in xrange(N_points)]
return [(np.array(centroid) + \
r * (math.cos(rot) * a + math.sin(rot) * b)) \
for rot in ang]
print circlePoints(10, 5, (1, 1, 1), (0, 0, 0))