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How can I rename variables from a saved workspace?

How can the variable "var", included in a MAT-file, be loaded under a different name?

I have a few MAT-files which include a variable whose name is always the same, but the value is of course different. I want to load them through a loop without rewriting them in each iteration, so I need to change their name just before loading them. Is that possible?

Renaming a variable within the saved workspace and then loading it is also a solution. Is this other strategy possible?


  • Instead of littering your workspace with lots of renamed variables (like var_1, var_2, etc.), I would suggest storing your loaded data in some form of array (numeric, cell, or structure). This will generally make it a lot easier to organize and process your data. Here's an example of loading the data into a structure array, using 3 MAT-files that each store the variable var with different values (1, 2, and 3):

    fileNames = {'file1.mat'; 'file2.mat'; 'file3.mat'};
    for iFile = 1:numel(fileNames)
      structArray(iFile) = load(fileNames{iFile}, 'var');

    And structArray will be an array of structure elements containing data in the field var:

    >> structArray
    structArray = 
      1×3 struct array with fields:

    Now, you can extract the field values and put them in a numeric array like so:

    >> numArray = [structArray.var]
    numArray =
         1     2     3

    Or, if they are different sizes or data types, place them in a cell array:

    >> cellArray = {structArray.var}
    cellArray =
      1×3 cell array
        [1]    [2]    [3]