My scenario is that I add a record set to a host zone via aws sdk. When adding a record set, the aws sdk has a GetChange
call that can be used to get that status. Here is the code I am currently doing:
subscribe(id => {
return Observable.interval(5000).flatMap(() => {
return this._adminService.getChange(id);
takeWhile((s) => s.ChangeInfo.Status.Value !== 'INSYNC').subscribe(
() => {
() => {
() => this.urlStatus = 'fa fa-check');
In the above code, I want to call registerDomain
and after that has been successful, I want to call getChange
every 5 seconds
until the Status.Value !== 'INSYNC'
A few questions:
Flatmap aka MergeMap will flatten higher order observables. Thus Observable<Observable<T>> => Observable<T>
The subscribe inside subscribe is a code smell and can and should be refactored. If you do not need the error/complete handlers you do not need to pass those. For instance:
function registerDomain(caseWebsiteUrl) {
return this._adminService.registerDomain(caseWebsiteUrl.Url)
.concatMap(registerId => Observable.interval(5000)
.mergeMap(() => this._adminService.getChange(registerId))
.takeWhile((info) => info.ChangeInfo.Status.Value !== 'INSYNC'))
registerDomain.subscribe(res => console.log('res:'+res));
This works based on the assumption and limitations that:
returns an Observable which completesgetChange()
will eventually return 'INSYNC'registerDomain()