I would like to create a file converter. I mean png
to jpg
or something. I tried so much things like this :
imagepng(imagecreatefromstring(file_get_contents(input)), 'out.png');
Do you have an example?
You can get the data from a file, in this case an image by using file_get_contents:
$data = file_get_contents("img.png");
Once you have the data to form the new file, you can then use the function file_put_contents to write your new file:
if (file_put_contents("img.jpg", $data)) {
} else {
file_put_contents returns an int of 0 or 1 so you can determine if it was successful in creating the file.
You could then create the following function:
function imagepng($input, $output) {
return file_put_contents($output, $input);
Hope this is helpful.