I'm facing an authorization issue trying to use Segments APIs via a node.js client. Stop beating around the bush, below the part of it which manages the POST request and the authorization via the x-wsse headers:
var now = new Date();
var options = {
method: "POST",
hostname: "api3.omniture.com",
path: "/admin/1.4/rest/?method=Segments.Get",
json: true,
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Content-Length" : Buffer.byteLength(JSON.stringify(body)),
"x-wsse": 'UsernameToken Username="[username]:[company]", PasswordDigest="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx==", Nonce="yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy", Created="'+now+'"'
As you see, I'm trying to replicate the x-wsse generated by the API Explorer, dynamically specifying the Created timestap via Date() JS class.
Node client is reporting me this error:
{"error":"Bad Request","error_description":"Unable to validate authentication.","error_uri":null}
I suppose the x-wsse PasswordDigest and Nonce values also continuously change at every request while here I put them static. If this was the reason for the issue, how dynamically insert also those parameters in the x-wsse header ?
Thanks a lot.
Yes, the PasswordDigest
and Created
values are also dynamically generated, because they are based on the value you generate. I don't know node.js well enough to show you a node.js example, but here is a php example for what I do, with some comments:
$secret='12345'; // api shared secret key for the user
// The nonce should be a universally unique value. I use a timestamp based value and prefix with a namespace to help make it unique, because AA request digests have to be unique across everybody everywhere ever
$nonce = 'FOO_'.dechex(time());
// datetime stamp in ISO 8601 date format (e.g. '2004-02-12T15:19:21+00:00')
$nonce_ts = date('c');
// Adobe expects the PasswordDigest to be a concatenated string value of the nonce, datetimestamp, and api key. They expect it to be hashed (sha1) and then base64 encoded
$digest = base64_encode(sha1($nonce.$nonce_ts.$secret));
$server = "https://api.omniture.com";
$path = "/admin/1.4/rest/";
$rc=new SimpleRestClient();
$rc->setOption(CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array("X-WSSE: UsernameToken Username=\"$username\", PasswordDigest=\"$digest\", Nonce=\"$nonce\", Created=\"$nonce_ts\""));