I am having a use case where i am downloading the file from URL using GET request. Is it possible to calculate SHA256 of file stream without saving to disk or holding an entire object in memory?
This can be accomplished with a MessageDigest
and Sink.fold
First we need a function to create an empty digest and a function to update a digest with a ByteBuffer
import java.security.MessageDigest
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
def emptySHA256Digest : MessageDigest = MessageDigest getInstance "SHA-256"
val updateDigest : (MessageDigest, ByteBuffer) => MessageDigest =
(messageDigest, byteBuffer) => {
messageDigest update byteBuffer
These two functions can then be used within a fold which is applied to the entity
of an HttpResponse
to update the digest with all ByteString
values in the entity:
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.HttpResponse
val responseBodyToDigest : HttpResponse => Future[MessageDigest] =
(_ : HttpResponse)