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SHA256 of data stream

I am having a use case where i am downloading the file from URL using GET request. Is it possible to calculate SHA256 of file stream without saving to disk or holding an entire object in memory?


  • This can be accomplished with a MessageDigest and Sink.fold.

    First we need a function to create an empty digest and a function to update a digest with a ByteBuffer:

    import java.nio.ByteBuffer
    def emptySHA256Digest : MessageDigest = MessageDigest getInstance "SHA-256" 
    val updateDigest : (MessageDigest, ByteBuffer) => MessageDigest = 
      (messageDigest, byteBuffer) => {
        messageDigest update byteBuffer

    These two functions can then be used within a fold which is applied to the entity of an HttpResponse to update the digest with all ByteString values in the entity:

    import akka.http.scaladsl.model.HttpResponse
    val responseBodyToDigest : HttpResponse => Future[MessageDigest] = 
      (_ : HttpResponse)