I am trying to initialise variable channels
with the number of chat channels that are available in my SendBird chat application. I use for this process a function called: private func loadChannels()
in order to load the channels into that variable mentioned above. What I don't understand is that the channels are loaded when the function is called and can be displayed as you can see in the code below. However, when I want to display the content of the same variable channels
outside of loadChannels()
I get an empty variable. What can be the problem?
import UIKit
import SendBirdSDK
import JSQMessagesViewController
class ViewController: UIViewController {
var messages = [JSQMessage]()
var channels = [SBDOpenChannel]()
private var refreshControl: UIRefreshControl?
private var openChannelListQuery: SBDOpenChannelListQuery?
override func viewDidLoad() {
//connecting to the application
//Connecting the user
SBDMain.connect(withUserId: "tahrisqalli", completionHandler: { (user, error) in
// ...
print("connected tahrisqalli")
print ("printing channels")
print (self.channels)
print ("printing channels")
// Here content of channels variable is empty
print (self.channels)
private func loadChannels() {
self.openChannelListQuery = SBDOpenChannel.createOpenChannelListQuery()
self.openChannelListQuery?.limit = 20
if self.openChannelListQuery?.hasNext == false {
self.openChannelListQuery?.loadNextPage(completionHandler: { (channels, error) in
if error != nil {
print ("error")
for channel in channels! {
// Here content of channels is full with the correct channels
print (self.channels)
You can do it like this:
import UIKit
import SendBirdSDK
import JSQMessagesViewController
class ViewController: UIViewController {
var messages = [JSQMessage]()
var channels = [SBDOpenChannel]()
private var refreshControl: UIRefreshControl?
private var openChannelListQuery: SBDOpenChannelListQuery?
override func viewDidLoad() {
//connecting to the application
//Connecting the user
SBDMain.connect(withUserId: "tahrisqalli", completionHandler: { (user, error) in
// ...
print("connected tahrisqalli")
print ("printing channels")
print (self.channels)
//print ("printing channels")
// Here content of channels variable is empty
//print (self.channels)
private func loadChannels(callback: @escaping () -> void) {
self.openChannelListQuery = SBDOpenChannel.createOpenChannelListQuery()
self.openChannelListQuery?.limit = 20
if self.openChannelListQuery?.hasNext == false {
self.openChannelListQuery?.loadNextPage(completionHandler: { (channels, error) in
if error != nil {
print ("error")
for channel in channels! {
// Here content of channels is full with the correct channels
// print (self.channels)