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Computing argmin of a symbolic function with a lot of variables

I have a data matrix X of size 3065x57 and a column matrix y of size 3065x1, and I want to compute the argmin the function sum defined in the code below.

I tried what is coded below, fminsearch and so on, but none work. Another problem is the fact that I have 57 symbolic variables, so MATLAB computations are very slow.

What can be done to speed up computaions?

function [] = argmin(X,y)
w = transpose(sym('w', [1 57]));
sum = 0;
for i=1:3065
    sum = sum + log(1+exp(transpose(w)*transpose(X(i,:)))) -...
F = matlabFunction(sum);
argmin = fsolve(F,zeros(1,57))

EDIT: I tried the following:

fun = @(w)log(1+exp(transpose([w(1);w(2);w(3);w(4);w(5);w(6);w(7);w(8);w(9);w(10)])*...

x0 = [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1];
x = fminsearch(fun,x0)

However, I can't do the for loop.


  • When using things like fminsearch and fmincon, you don't have to use an anonymous function in the sense you are using it. You can create your own function and make that into an anonymous function.

    Also, your minimization variable does not have to be a symbol. As said in the comments this is very slow and unnecessary for your problem.


    function sum = argmin_fun(x,y,w)
    sum = 0;
    for ii = 1:3065
        sum = sum + log(1 + exp(w'*x(ii,:)')) - y(ii)*w'*x(ii,:)';

    From your script, you can then call

    x = randn(3065,57);
    y = randn(3065,1);
    fun = @(w) argmin_fun(x,y,w);
    x0 = ones(57,1);
    minimized_vals = fminsearch(fun,x0);

    A few notes:

    Consider using an options variable so you can set up options parameters such as how well you want it to be optimized, max iterations, as well as other parameters, you can set it up like this.

    opts1 = optimset('Display','iter','MaxIter',100);
    minimized_vals = fminsearch(fun,x0,opts1);

    If you have the optimization toolbox, consider using fmincon or one of the other optimizers, fminsearch is good for problems with 1-10 variables but becomes much less accurate for large scale problems. With fmincon you can also set up boundary constraints for minimum and maximum values. There are workarounds with fminsearch but they aren't as easy to implement.

    In terms of performance, the error function of fminsearch achieved an error value of 9637.23 while fmincon achieved an error value of 1945.63 without any constraints added.

    [minimized_vals,error_val] = fmincon(fun,x0,[],[]);

    Let me know if I missed anything and I'll ammend my answer.