On css I want to add a rule for a selfclosed tag like this: <unclear/>
(exacly convert content to one symbol)
I already do it to add a different style for simple open-close tag <unclear>lorem ipsum</unclear>
(I want to convert open tag <unclear>
and closed tag </unclear>
to a symbol so enclose a phrase inside symbols)
In css:
unclear:before{ content:'\2020'; }
unclear:after{ content:'\2020'; }
But with this rule for selfclosed tag I need to get one symbol not two.
<div>Somno contentus exiguo, cum id posceret tempus et ratio, perque spatia ita longissima impendio castus, ut nec <unclear/> mare ministro saltem suspicione tenus posset redargui, quod crimen, etiamsi non invenit, malignitas fingit in summarum licentia potestatum.</div>
<br />
<br />
<div>Intellectus autem naturae et <unclear>qualitate</unclear> sensus mundi ex omnibus, quae in mundo sensibilia sunt, poterit peruideri.</div>
<br />
<br />
<div>On my website this is display two cruces before finiruris, but I want to display one cruces beforefiniruris, how to do it?
Ager est <unclear/>finiruris <gap/> non praetermittimus nomina consent<supplied>i</supplied>entia condicionibus possessionum.</div>
CSS does not differentiate between self-closing and not-self-closing tags. So if you have <unclear></unclear>
and then <unclear/>
later on, that's the same to CSS.
In fact, even the XML parser doesn't differentiate: when building the document tree, the node in memory for <unclear></unclear>
looks exactly the same as it does for <unclear/>
So that's the answer: it's impossible; find another way.
One partial solution is to use the :empty
pseudo class. You can use
unclear:before{ content:'\2020'; }
unclear:not(:empty):after{ content:'\2020'; }
to assign the after content only to the <unclear> that contains something (in your particular example, the <unclear>lorem ipsum</unclear>
<unclear>s which do not contain anything (here, the one that's written <unclear/>
) only get the before content.
Would that help?