I've come to some strange behaviour using web api. I'm using attribute routing, and making post on server. Controller:
public ResultDTO SaveData(SomeDTO dto)
and i'm calling it
$http.post('/api/mycontroller/names', $scope.model.dto).success(function
(data) { ...
It's working. However, if I rename my method
public ResultDTO GetData(SomeDTO dto)
it's not working and I get HTTP 405 error The page you are looking for cannot be displayed because an invalid method (HTTP verb) was used to attempt access,
However it's working if I change calling from $http.post to $http.get
Obviously, I won't name my method starting with GetSomeMethod if I'm posting data, but I'm curious, shouldn't defined route
work with $http.post, no matter how I actually call method that will handle that post? More specific, why $http.post won't work if I named my method GetSomething, but it will if I change method name to, for example, GotSomething or SaveSomething?
Try to add route attribute
and then you can name your action as you wish.
Web API looks at the HTTP method, and then looks for an action whose name begins with that HTTP method name. For example, with a GET
request, Web API looks for an action that starts with Get...
, such as GetContact
or GetAllContacts
. This convention applies only to GET
, and DELETE
See more here