How do I tell if "You" is used as a subject or an object in a sentence?
You should use a Natural Language Processing tool or library. There are a wide range mentioned in and you can use the one most suitable to your problem or language.
Most of these will carry out Part-of-Speech tagging (POSTagging) which identifies nouns, prepostions, etc. Then they will group the POS into NounPhrase, verbPhrase, etc. In simple terms:
You see the cat
is parsed as
NP (PP you) VP (VB see DT the NN cat)
the cat sees you
is parsed as
NP (DT the NN cat) VP (VB sees PP you)
(schemes of POS vary)
The "you" is a personal pronoun (PP) and if it occurs in the VP it's an object.
It gets more complicated than this, but this is a start