I am trying to calculate Open, Low, High and Close values for stock prices using Azure Stream Analytics SQL.
I can get Min and Max fairly easily, but I am having difficulty figuring out how to calculate Open (FIRST) and Close (LAST) of a TumblingWindow.
I have found the documentation here (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/stream-analytics/stream-analytics-stream-analytics-query-patterns) to do first and last but I cannot combine them into a single query.
Here's what I have:
DateAdd(second,-5,System.TimeStamp) as WinStartTime,
system.TimeStamp as WinEndTime,
Max(price) as H,
Min(price) as L,
Count(*) as EventCount
FROM [input1]
GROUP BY TumblingWindow(second, 5), exchange
I am not terribly advanced in SQL, but is there a way to combine this into a single query? Even with the use of subqueries.
Note: 5 seconds is just an example window I chose for testing.
According to your scenario, I assumed that you could leverage the Collect aggregate function and user-defined functions from Azure Stream Analytics to achieve your purpose. Here are the details, you could refer to them:
Assuming your input looks as follows:
// udf.getLast
function main(objs) {
if(objs==null||objs==undefined||objs.length==0)return null;
return objs[objs.length-1];
// udf.getFirst
function main(objs) {
return objs[0];
DateAdd(minute,-5,System.TIMESTAMP) as WinStartTime,
System.TIMESTAMP as WinEndTime,
UDF.getFirst(Collect()) AS FIRST,
UDF.getLast(Collect()) AS LAST,
Max(price) as H,
Min(price) as L,
Count(*) as EventCount
FROM [input1] TIMESTAMP By Time
GROUP BY TumblingWindow(minute, 5)