I am trying to build and simulate a project that references INET (the INETWirelessTutorial actually), however I get the error below that says " Error: Cannot load library '../inet/src//libINET.dll': A dynamic link library (DLL) initialization routine failed". My project WireTryLiveson references project INET. I wonder if I need to link path environment variables differently? I tried the following:
Neither seemed to work. INET Example projects simulate just fine.
What should I change so I can load libINET.dll?
You can see the libINET.dll here on the Project Explorer on the left.
Here are my environment variables.
Here's what the OMNET++ Console displays with my error:
$ cd C:/inetModule/WireTryLiveson
$ WireTryLiveson.exe -m -n .;../inet/src;../inet/examples;../inet/tutorials;../inet/showcases --image-path=../inet/images -l ../inet/src/INET omnetpp.ini
OMNeT++ Discrete Event Simulation (C) 1992-2017 Andras Varga, OpenSim Ltd.
Version: 5.1.1, build: 170508-adbabd0, edition: Academic Public License -- NOT FOR COMMERCIAL USE
See the license for distribution terms and warranty disclaimer
<!> Error: Cannot load library '../inet/src//libINET.dll': A dynamic link library (DLL) initialization routine failed
Simulation terminated with exit code: -1073741819
Working directory: C:/inetModule/WireTryLiveson
Command line: WireTryLiveson.exe -m -n .;../inet/src;../inet/examples;../inet/tutorials;../inet/showcases --image-path=../inet/images -l ../inet/src/INET omnetpp.ini
Environment variables:
Here's my omnetpp.ini:
network = WirelessTry
sim-time-limit = 25s
*.host*.networkLayer.arpType = "GlobalARP"
*.hostA.numUdpApps = 1
*.hostA.udpApp[0].typename = "UDPBasicApp"
*.hostA.udpApp[0].destAddresses = "hostB"
*.hostA.udpApp[0].destPort = 5000
*.hostA.udpApp[0].messageLength = 1000B
*.hostA.udpApp[0].sendInterval = exponential(12ms)
*.hostA.udpApp[0].packetName = "UDPData"
*.hostB.numUdpApps = 1
*.hostB.udpApp[0].typename = "UDPSink"
*.hostB.udpApp[0].localPort = 5000
*.host*.wlan[0].typename = "IdealWirelessNic"
*.host*.wlan[0].mac.useAck = false
*.host*.wlan[0].mac.fullDuplex = false
*.host*.wlan[0].radio.transmitter.communicationRange = 500m
*.host*.wlan[0].radio.receiver.ignoreInterference = true
*.host*.**.bitrate = 1Mbps
Here's my file wirelessTry.ned:
import inet.common.figures.DelegateSignalConfigurator;
import inet.networklayer.configurator.ipv4.IPv4NetworkConfigurator;
import inet.node.inet.INetworkNode;
import inet.physicallayer.contract.packetlevel.IRadioMedium;
import inet.visualizer.integrated.IntegratedCanvasVisualizer;
network WirelessTry
string hostType = default("WirelessHost");
string mediumType = default("IdealRadioMedium");
@figure[title](type=label; pos=0,-1; anchor=sw; color=darkblue);
@figure[rcvdPkText](type=indicatorText; pos=420,20; anchor=w; font=,20; textFormat="packets received: %g"; initialValue=0);
@statistic[rcvdPk](source=hostB_rcvdPk; record=figure(count); targetFigure=rcvdPkText);
@delegatesignal[rcvdPk](source=hostB.udpApp[0].rcvdPk; target=hostB_rcvdPk);
visualizer: IntegratedCanvasVisualizer {
configurator: IPv4NetworkConfigurator {
radioMedium: <mediumType> like IRadioMedium {
figureHelper: DelegateSignalConfigurator {
hostA: <hostType> like INetworkNode {
hostB: <hostType> like INetworkNode {
First of all go to INET
properties | OMNeT++
| Makemake
| select src
| Options...
| Compile
tab | More >>
and ensure that you have set "Export include path for other projects" and "Force compiling object files for use in DLLs". And in Target
tab set "Export this shared/static library for other projects". Then rebuild INET
If it doesn't help, then try the following workaround:
in Project References
| Makemake
| select src
| Options...
| Target
and select "Shared library (.dll, .so or .dylib)"OMNeT++
| Makemake
| select src
| Options...
| Compile
and select "Add include paths exported from referenced projects"Run
| Run Configurations...
of your project select opp_run
and ensure that Working dir
actually indicates the directory which contains omnetpp.ini