Is it possible to sort items from one array based on another variable by only using orderBy and not adding a count property to the items in the array?
Lets say i have an array and a map in the controller:
$scope.x = [{no:1,name:"a"},
$scope.y = { 1: [1],
2: [1,2,3],
3: [1,2] };
and the html will look like this:
<div ng-repeat="i in x | orderBy: y[].length">
{{ y[] }}
{{ y[].length }}
1 [1] 1
2 [1,2,3] 3
3 [1,2] 2
but it should be:
1 [1] 1
3 [1,2] 2
2 [1,2,3] 3
You could use a predicate function, to specify your condition.
Try this:
<div ng-repeat="i in x | orderBy: findOrder">
{{ y[] }}
{{ y[].length }}
$scope.findOrder = function(elem){
return $scope.y[].length;