Veins works fine from Omnet IDE but while trying to run from terminal I get following error:
<!> Error in module (omnetpp::cModule) RSUExampleScenario (id=1) during
network setup: Class "Veins::ObstacleControl" not found -- perhaps its code
was not linked in, or the class wasn't registered with Register_Class(), or in
the case of modules and channels, with Define_Module()/Define_Channel().
I am using the following command
$ cd veins/example/veins_example
$ ../../../../omnet/omnetpp-5.0/bin/opp_run.exe -r 0 -u Cmdenv -n .;../../src/veins --image-path=../../images -l ../../src/veins --debug-on-errors=true omnetpp.ini
Do i need to add anything more?
I found the solution. The ned path included in .ini file for is .
but while running the simulation from omnet IDE all ned paths are taken from omnet configuration. After appending all the ned path required in .ini file I am able to run from command line.