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oauth2 openid connect javascript (electron) desktop application

What is the correct oauth2 flow for a desktop application? Besides a desktop application I have a SPA Web GUI which does use the Implicit flow. There it does not matters if the client Redirects after 3600s to the IdP to issue a new Access token.

But the desktop application needs to be running 24/7 or could be running 24/7. So it needs to automatically refresh the access token via a refresh_token. But since the implicit flow does not provide refresh tokens it is probably the wrong flow for a desktop app, isn't it?

I guess I need the auth code flow, which does provide a refresh_token. But authentication requests needs a redirect_uri. Let's say I want to use Google as my openid provider. With google it looks like I can't register client credentials with a custom URI scheme ( What does work is to register for example http://localhost:9300, which theoretically could be handled by the app.


Whats the correct oauth2 flow for a desktop app to receive a refresh_token?


Can I catch the redirect_uri via a custom URI scheme without using the implicit flow (Google IdP)? It is way easier to listen for a custom uri scheme than listening on a local tcp port.


This is more a general question. Usually desktop apps are public apps, so I should not include client_secret right? So the only flow which would be left is the implicit flow. But how can I renew access tokens according to specs without bother the desktop user every 3600s? In my case I could publish the app locally so not public, but how is it for a public app?


  • A - Authorization Code Grant

    B - Not sure here, You can register a Custom URI Scheme

    C - Not enough information provided. Are you using the AppAuth libraries? If so you SHOULD use PKCE and then additional security measures for the refresh token should not be necessary, on the assumption that the client never sends the refresh token with anyone other than the IDP over a secure connection.

    Does this help?